airplane takeoff runwaySky

Ever heard of an NFTicket? Reinventing the travel industry from the ground up

Making Web3 accessible to all by creating NFTickets that, once purchased, can be bought, managed, gifted, or sold without ever having to get the airline involved.

what we did

User Testing


The client

How TravelX is changing the game

TravelX is taking a Web3 approach to the travel industry’s notoriously outdated infrastructure.

Started by a team of renowned founders, TravelX aims to provide a decentralized, frictionless and efficient way to manage travel using the blockchain. A reimagined experience that vastly improves the way people book tickets, add upgrades, and change plans.

By issuing NFTickets (an open standard based on NFTs), TravelX puts control back into the hands of travelers.
A reimagined experience that vastly improves the way people book tickets, add upgrades, and change plans.

The challenge

The realities of Web3

Our goal was to deliver a familiar user experience based on existing travel site interfaces. One that integrated the NFTicket, and provided unprecedented features, like transferring tickets to another person or putting them up for auction in the open market. An industry-shifting move.

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This undertaking felt like a big opportunity.
A chance to change the way people think about travel by introducing a new kind of ticket, miles better than everything else.

Simplifying the wallet

One of the first hurdles in building Web3 products is having customers connect a specific wallet and chain to sign transactions.TravelX simplifies this process by offering traditional payment methods like credit cards, while also integrating with popular wallets so that advanced users can buy tickets with crypto.Wallets are managed behind the scenes , so people can always access their tickets should something break along their journey.

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Power to the traveler

One of the best things about Web3 are the open marketplaces and auctions. To help showcase this, we designed a set of features that make tickets a lot more useful.

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NFTickets are fully owned by travelers, so people are able to change, transfer and sell their tickets as many times as they want, without going through the airline.

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So how does it work?

Say you have an unused plane ticket. You have options. You can gift it to someone else, sell it, or offer it up for auction inside TravelX or any other marketplace without any fees or penalties.And as an added bonus, you don’t have to spend 2 hours on the phone asking customer support to do you a solid.

One wallet, every ticket

No more international fees or banking issues

By tokenizing the tickets, customers are able to see and control their flight tickets from a single wallet.It also allows us to better accommodate international travelers by offering a crypto ecosystem, using USDC as a unified currency.

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Introducing, the White Label marketplace

One of the key features of TravelX is the ability for every airline to be part of their platform. To keep this unified, we designed a White Label platform that works as the official marketplace, but has the ability to be customized for individual airlines.This allows each airline to have their own marketplace with their own unique branding, partners, and offers. An efficient, seamless way to bring NFTickets to the market.Pretty exciting.

The Results

1M passengers

In just 5 months over a million NFTTickets were sold around the world.

$10M to grow

With just the initial prototype, TravelX was able to raise more than $10M to help bring NFTickets to market.

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A $1M ticket

Shortly after launch, TravelX sold a record-breaking NFTicket for $1M.

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Juan Pablo Lafosse's profile picture
Juan Pablo Lafosse

Co-Founder & CEO


"Aerolab’s expertise and ability is outstanding. If you’re looking for the perfect agency to build a high-quality app, this is it."